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[Angular | Storybook] Tailwind, Directives, Content Projection, Icons and i18n

Georg Höller
Georg Höller
2 min read
[Angular | Storybook] Tailwind, Directives, Content Projection, Icons and i18n
Photo by Kaitlyn Baker / Unsplash

Install packages

npm i -D @nx/storybook
npm i -D @storybook/angular

Create config

nx g @nx/storybook:configuration <project-name>

I created the config inside the main app to share some configs/modules. My stories are located at libs/shared/ui. That's why I had to add these lines to the config files.

// .storybook/main.ts
const config: StorybookConfig = {
  stories: [
    '../../../libs/shared/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx|mdx)', 👈

// .storybook/tsconfig.json
  "include": [
    "../../../libs/shared/**/*.stories.ts", 👈

Switch to the preview.ts file - this file is like the root module. I would recommend importing all your global available modules - like translation or icons. I'm using ngx-translate and fontawesome - so I imported them here to use it in any story.

import { Preview, moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';

const preview: Preview = {
  decorators: [
      imports: [
          loader: {
            provide: TranslateLoader,
            useFactory: HttpLoaderFactory,
            deps: [HttpClient],
      providers: [TranslateService],

export default preview;


To get tailwind working you have to import the default tailwind directives.

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

If you imported the directives in the global styles.scss you can refernce this file in the project.json storybook sections.

    "storybook": {
      "options": {
        "styles": [
          "apps/compler/src/styles.scss" 👈
    "build-storybook": {
      "options": {
        "styles": [
          "apps/compler/src/styles.scss" 👈


The easiest way to describe the story for a directive is to look at the code:

import { Meta, StoryFn, moduleMetadata } from '@storybook/angular';
import { GhButtonDirective } from './gh-button.directive';
import { GhButtonContentComponent } from './gh-button-content/gh-button-content.component';

export default {
  title: 'GhButtonDirective',
  decorators: [
      // import the directive itself and etc.
      imports: [GhButtonDirective, GhButtonContentComponent],
  argTypes: {
    // define input controls
    btnStyle: {
      options: ['primary', 'secondary', 'soft', 'circular'],
      control: {
        type: 'radio',
    btnLabel: {
      control: 'text',
    prefixIcon: {
      control: 'text',
    suffixIcon: {
      control: 'text',
  args: {
    btnLabel: 'Save',
    btnStyle: 'primary',
} as Meta<GhButtonDirective>;

const customizable = (): StoryFn => (args) => ({
  props: args,
  // use your directive in the template
  // inputs can be used with the variables defined in the args above
  template: `
  <button ghButton [btnStyle]="btnStyle"> 
    <gh-button-content [prefixIcon]="prefixIcon" [suffixIcon]="suffixIcon">
      {{ btnLabel | translate }}
export const Primary = customizable();

Content Projection

Found this working answer in the storybook github issue section:

[Angular] How to render a component that has <ng-content> in the template · Issue #2817 · storybookjs/storybook
Issue details I’m pretty new to Angular so this is probably a noob question. I have a button component that uses the tags to project content passed into it when it is used: Component template: <but…

If you have further questions about this topic or need help with a problem in general, please write a comment or simply contact me at :)


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